Last Butler Open House of 2014 in the Books

IMG_8359We wrapped up our Open House season last night with a delightful evening at Butler Kia. Good conversation, happy customers, and plenty of food made for the perfect event. The highlight might have been the presentation of flowers to Butler’s Service Manager, Curtis Hancock, for Boss’s Day. He just about had a heart attack when he ran across the toy snake hidden in the bouquet! Thanks to everyone who participated! See you next year!

Last Butler Open House of 2014 to be held at Butler Kia

Can you believe we’ve almost come to the end of 2014?  To help end the year on a high note we’ll be holding our sixth and last Open House of 2014 at Butler Kia on Thursday, October 16th.  As always, it’ll be a party that doubles for an educational opportunity!  Call or email us your RSVP today!

Kia Eblast_JOIN US 2014

Fixing a Flat Using a Tire Replacement Kit

In the interest of better fuel efficiency many auto makers are removing weight from their vehicles wherever possible. One of the most obvious offenders is the spare tire. Companies like Kia are doing away with the spare in certain models in favor of a considerably lighter tire replacement kit. Ideally, you already know whether your vehicle is equipped with an actual tire or a kit. If you don’t, go check. You don’t want to find out after blowing a tire on a deserted country road that you have no idea how to get your vehicle back up and running. We don’t want that, either! That’s why we’re providing you with these videos to at least get you familiar with the process for both.

Kia Canada put together this video showing how to use the kit.


For those of you who do carry a spare tire, offers this refresher course on changing out a flat.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving - used 2013Whether you’re a relative, a friend, a customer – or all three – we hope you know how much we appreciate you. Thank you for being in our lives. Have a beautiful holiday season!
~ All of us at Butler Auto Group

Butler’s Giving Away a Pair of Oregon Civil War Tickets!

DucksBeavers_CivilWar2_LRWe have something special for all you Ducks and Beaver Football Fans!  Butler Auto Group is offering 2 FREE Tickets to the Civil War football game between the University of Oregon and Oregon State University come 4:00 p.m. on November 29th!  the game will be played at Eugene’s Autzen Stadium.

All you have to do to enter is visit ANY of the Butler Automotive Group Facebook Pages (Butler Ford, Butler Acura, Butler KIA, Butler Hyundai, Butler Service Centers or Butler Automotive Group – you’ll find links over there to the right!) and look for the SWEEPSTAKES button under the cover photo.  Click on the “Sweepstakes” button and enter your email address.  It’s just that simple!

The sweepstakes ends Wednesday, November 27th at 5pm.  We’ll notify the winner that evening via FB and email.   You must be 18 years old to enter.  Only one entry per email address.

So, join us in being a proud supporter of community youth and sports programs!

Why It’s Time to Check Your Tire Pressure

Somewhere in the recesses of your mind you know you should be checking your vehicle’s tire pressure. In my world, this is one of those life maintenance tasks that loiters in some dark corner of my brain but only surfaces when I feel my vehicle’s ride is off. Imagine my surprise at learning I should be gauging tire pressure every month! And not only monthly, but seasonally (cold weather can decrease tire pressure by up to 10 pounds per square inch! Who knew?!).

Here are 5 keys to keeping your tires at their best:

1. Too much air equals less of your tires touching the road. Lowered surface area means you’ll need more room to stop. It also means you’re in for a bumpy, bouncy ride. Remember what happened in elementary school when you overfilled your red rubber ball? Yeah, it became a rocket when you bounced it during Foursquare.

2. Too little air in your tires leads to more surface area touching the ground. The result can be overheating and, ultimately, a blow-out. You know it’s time to pump those babies up when your tires squeal around corners.

3. Use your owner’s manual. It should tell you where on your vehicle to find the proper tire pressure (don’t go by the notation on the tires – that’s maximum tire pressure, not recommended tire pressure).

4. Invest in a tire gauge.

5. Check every tire. Driving with unbalanced tires can lead to a whole other set of problems.

And if you have any questions, give one of Butler’s Service Centers a call.

You’ll find a list of locations and phone numbers at